
120224 Graduation - Ryeowook & Siwon

foto kelulusan Siwon Oppa dan Ryeowook Oppa..
oppa Daebak !!!

Super Junior R @ryeong9

졸업했어요~~><교수님들, 조교누나, 선후배 동기들 고마웠어요~~남들처럼 떳떳하게 졸업할 자격은 없지만 교내에서 활동하지 못한 것 뿐 마음만은 인하인이었습니다. 마지막 교수님 말씀 정말 감사했어요 잊지 않을게요^^

masih share pict Kelulusan Siwon oppa sama Ryeowook oppa ya :)

masih share pict Kelulusan Siwon oppa sama Ryeowook oppa ya :)
ini siwon oppa sama jungwook dan ohsong anggota F.I.X

120224 Siwon, Wookie and friend at Inha University

oppa emang Bintang ya, semua ikut Fotoin oppa

120224 Graduation - Ryeowook & Siwon

120224 Graduation - Ryeowook

120224 Graduation - Siwon

Trans Reyong9 twitter update : I've graduated~~>< thank you to all the professors, asisstant noonas, seniors,and juniors~~ event thought i can't confidently say that im a qualified graduate like the others, (because) i couldn't to the activities on campus. But, i've been always an Inha student at heart. Lastly, thankyou for professor's words. I won't forget.

eeits abis baca jangan lupa like dan komennya yaa gan

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